OZZY OSBOURNE Was 'Shocked' To Hear About JAKE E. LEE Being Shot: 'I Just Hope He'll Be Okay'

October 15, 2024

Ozzy Osbourne says that he was shocked to hear about his former guitarist Jake E. Lee being shot multiple times in Las Vegas early Tuesday morning (October 15).

According to TMZ, the shooting occurred around 2:40 a.m. while Lee was walking his dog. He has since been hospitalized and is currently fully conscious while being treated in an intensive care unit inside the city.

SiriusXM radio personality Eddie Trunk revealed in a social media post that Jake "was hit three times — in the chest, arm and foot. Bullets missed all major organs except lung. But he is doing well and expected to make a full recovery." Eddie went on to say he got the information about Jake's condition directly from the musician's manager.

In a statement to TMZ, Ozzy said: "It's been 37 years since I've seen Jake E. Lee, but that still doesn't take away from the shock of hearing what happened to him today. It's just another senseless act of gun violence. I send my thoughts to him and his beautiful daughter, Jade. I just hope he'll be OK."

Las Vegas authorities believe the shooting was completely random. As the incident is under police investigation, no further comments will be forthcoming. Lee and his family appreciate respecting their privacy at this time.

Lee, who was tapped by Ozzy Osbourne to replace the late Randy Rhoads in the singer's solo band, played on two Ozzy records: 1983's "Bark At The Moon" and 1986's "The Ultimate Sin".

After performing with Ozzy, Lee formed the hard rock band BADLANDS. He released the solo albums "Retraced" and "Guitar Warrior" in 2005 and 2007, respectively. After a self-imposed exile from the music industry and the public eye, Lee returned with a new band called RED DRAGON CARTEL, releasing a self-titled album in 2013 followed by "Patina" in 2018.

Ozzy Osbourne photo credit: Ross Halfin / Jake E. Lee photo credit: Joseph Gorelick

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